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Susan Kippen

South Shore Natural Healing
Phone: (781) 837-7353
Email Susan


The Owner of this site is Susan V. Kippen.

When you utilize this site or purchase goods or services, you are creating a legal agreement between you and the Owner.

1. The Service is intended as a spiritual service which includes prayer, holistic technique, and energy transfer while offering no guarantees and as an educational site, offering information and entertainment. The term "The Service" includes any and all services the Owner provides now or at any other time. Owner is free to change and modify The Service without notice to you other than as such notice is publicly posted on Owner's web site.
The Service is a spiritual/prayer/holistic/energy service that offers no guarantees and is for spiritual/holistic use, information and entertainment, and not intended as psychotherapy or a medical service. This site and The Service should not be considered as medical or for psychological testing, assessment, diagnosis or treatment. If you suffer from any medical, psychological or emotional issues, you should consult face to face with a licensed medical professional or psychotherapist in your geographic area. By agreeing to the terms of The Service, you are in no way entering into a psychotherapist/patient relationship or doctor/patient relationship. By deciding to utilize this site, you are hereby agreeing to this agreement indicating your understanding of all of the terms of this agreement.

2. Your Obligations
You agree that you shall not interrupt or disrupt or attempt to interrupt or disrupt The Service in any way nor prevent or impede any other party's access to The Service.

3. Owner's Rights
Owner reserves the right and by entering into this agreement you expressly consent to allow Owner to access all information you post on The Service. Owner is the proprietor of all of Owner's copyrights, trademarks and other proprietary rights and you shall have no rights of any sort in and to nor shall you use any of Owner's proprietary rights. Owner shall have the right to sell, assign and otherwise transfer any or all of its rights in this agreement to any other party.

4. Your Promises
You promise that you shall not seek to hold Owner, nor any of its shareholders, officers, directors, agents, attorneys or others liable in any manner for anything that may result from your or another person's use of The Service. These warranties shall survive the termination of this agreement. You shall defend and hold harmless Owner against any and all claims, demands, costs, awards, damages and the like, including attorney's fees, that may arise from a breach or claimed breach of any of your warranties, representations, promises or obligations under this agreement, whether or not a breach of those warranties, representations, promises or obligations is finally sustained and whether or not any litigation or claim is filed. These indemnities shall survive the termination of this agreement.

5. No Warranties
The Service and Owner's providing of the service herein are provided on an "as is" basis without any warranties, express or implied, of any kind whether as to use, merchantability, fitness or health for a particular purpose or otherwise. You are using The Service at your own risk. Owner shall not be liable to you or any other party for any direct or indirect compensatory, special, incidental, or consequential damages or costs of any character including but not limited to damages or costs for personal or emotional injury of any sort, disease or illness of any sort nor for failure of Owner's or any other web hosting or other server nor any failure of Owner or any other party to provide internet access for any period of time nor for any cause outside of owner's control nor for any and all other damages or costs, including punitive damages or losses. Owner will not be liable for any damages or costs in excess of the total contract price for the services rendered herein, even if Owner shall have been informed of the possibility of such damages or costs, or for any claim by any other party. The within limitation of warranties may be limited by the laws of certain states or other jurisdictions and so some of the foregoing limitations may not apply to you and you may have other rights that may vary from state to state.

6. Miscellaneous
The Service is provided by South Shore Natural Healing and Distant Healings. The phone number is (781) 837-7353. Write to Susan V. Kippen, South Shore Natural Healing at email: if you have any complaints about The Service. This agreement shall be subject to and interpreted under the laws of the state of Massachusetts applicable to agreements wholly to be performed therein as well as the laws of the United States, where applicable. This agreement is the complete understanding between you and Owner and may be modified and any of its provisions waived only by a writing signed by both you and Owner. It shall bind and benefit each of your and Owner's respective heirs, assigns and successors in interest but any restrictions on assignment and transfer otherwise contained in this agreement shall otherwise apply. A waiver of any other provision of this agreement, or any claimed breach thereof, shall not be deemed a waiver of any other provision or breach. Any dispute arising under this agreement shall be determined only by a court of competent jurisdiction only in Plymouth, Massachusetts and Owner shall be entitled to injunctive relief. You expressly consent to personal jurisdiction in such state and in such court. In any action under this agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to attorney's fees and court costs. In the event any portion of this agreement shall be held invalid or unenforceable it shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the rest of this agreement. All of the provisions of this agreement shall survive the termination of this agreement for any reason.

By utilizing this site or purchasing goods or services, you are agreeing to be bound by all of the terms of this agreement.


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Copyright © 2005 - 2024 Susan Kippen